Coach Bradley's
Sacred Six
How to Live a Balanced, Healthy Lifestyle
You Are What You Eat
No secret here. Eating a primal based diet centered around whole foods is a big piece of the puzzle.
Prioritize Sleep This is my number 1! Without adequate sleep, everything else will suffer, period!!
Practice Daily Gratitude
Stress? The silent killer. We are all moving at warp speed on the daily. Taking time to express and feel gratitude is necessary.
Lift Heavy Things
We are designed to lift and transport heavy things. We needed it for our survival. Lifting heavy things a couple of times a week will be step in the right direction.
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Move A lot
Our bodies are designed to move on the daily. We have become sedentary creatures by choice or not. The old adage, "use it or lose it" has never been more true, especially as we age.
Learn Everyday A learners mindset will keep your brain active. Learn something everyday. Commit to it.